

Dr. WG Rama Rao Travel Fellowship
About Fellowship

The fellowship was started by late Dr. WG Rama Rao who himself used to travel to different institutions especially interacting with the post-graduates to make them feel comfortable with the subjects, teaching them and preparing them for examinations. For his love of teaching the post-graduates, he donated a huge sum to the association to enable the young physiatrists to have a feel of other institutions of PMR in different parts of India. The sum is kept in a fixed deposit in the bank by the association. The interest incurred is used to fund the fellowship.

This fellowship is awarded to one member of IAPMR each year. Members of IAPMR interested to avail of the fellowship should apply to the Secretary IAPMR on the prescribed application form. Scrutinized is done by the Academic Committee and ECM.

The traveling fellow is expected to visit different institutions of PMR in India with a minimum of three institutions. The fellow is expected to exchange information by way of presenting what he or his institution is doing and also visit the institution and partake in their teaching and clinical activities. There is no maximum limit to the number of institutions to be visited. The time to be taken for fellowship depends on the travel time but most of the travel fellows have been found to spend about 10-15 days doing so with 2-3 days at an institution.

The fellowship amount is about Rs 10,000/- which partially covers economic travel and accommodation but is handsome enough to give an opportunity to gain experience of what others are doing rather than being a frog in a well. We salute Dr. Rama Rao for this great gesture.

Procedure for Applying

Download the Application Form for the Fellowship by clicking here.

Fill in all the details using MS Word in the application form downloaded. Send one soft copy by email to each of the following.

IAPMR Secretariat

Dr Sanjay Pandey

Secretary (MBBS, MD PMR -IPGME & R)

 Email: secretary@iapmr.in, drsanjaykr1@gmail.com

Address-Dept. of PMR
Room No -213, PMR ,Building
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Patna.
Patna-801507 India.

Chairperson Academic Committee.

Dr A K Joy Singh

Chairman Academic Committee

Last Date for Receipt of Applications: December 15, for availing fellowship for the following year.

Application Form and Rules

Applications are invited from members of IAPMR for the fellowship. (click here to download application form) The terms and conditions are as follows: -

  1. 1. Age: Below 40 years as on the 1st of January of the year in which traveling fellowship is to be undertaken. Should be a member of IAPMR for more than five years.
  2. 2. Must be working in Rehabilitation Medicine and should have made some contribution to the field of Rehabilitation Medicine.
  3. 3. Previous recipients of this award are not eligible to apply.
  4. 4. The application form can be downloaded by clicking here.
  5. 5. Applications should be accompanied by
    a. plan of visit
    b. objectives of the fellowship
    c. tentative time for starting the fellowship
    d. write up for effective utilization of fellowship expenses.
  6. 6. The executive committee selects the candidate based on his qualifications, experience, and publications etc.
  7. 7. Presently the fellowship amount is Rs 10,000/- or the actual cost incurred by the fellow, whichever is less.  The amount shall be released after submission and acceptance of the report along with the statement of expenditure.

Past Awardees

2025: Dr Sanyal Kumar, AIIMS Patna

2024: Dr Chethan C

2023: Dr Sucheta Saha

 2020: Dr. L. Darendrajit Singh, AIIMS, Bhubaneswar

2019: Dr. N. Jugindro Singh, JNIMS, Imphal

2015: Dr. Anand Varma, Hubballi

2013: Dr. Diganta Borah

2012: Dr. Ganesh Arun Joshi, Bhopal

2011: Dr. Anil Kumar Gupta, Lucknow

2010: Dr. Ajay Gupta, New Delhi

2009: Dr. Abhishek Srivastava, Bengaluru

2008: Dr. George Zachariah

2007: Dr. PP Pan

2005: Dr. E Rajendra Kumar

2004: Dr. Venu Gopal

2000: Dr. N Romi Singh, Imphal

1997: Dr. S Sunder, Chennai

1986: Dr. U Singh, New Delhi

1984: Dr. VP Sharma, Lucknow